Welcome to Covenant Baptist Church

The word “Covenant” means agreement and this word sums up perfectly what we strive to do as a church. We each individually have an agreement with God to follow the call to go where Jesus goes and to do what Jesus does. And as a group of believers, we have an agreement with each other to love, support, and encourage our brothers and sisters to be the body of Christ in the world sharing God’s light and love with all.

We would love for you to join Covenant Baptist Church in the journey of following Christ and serving the community together in His love.

Worship|Bible Study

Sunday School 9:45 AM | Worship 11:00 AM
Wednesday Meal & Study | 5:30-7:00 PM

Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday | Closed

Sunday Mornings

At Covenant Baptist Church, our worship style is more traditional, striving to remain authentic, genuine, and timeless while also being relevant in the 21st Century. We believe that the Good News of Jesus Christ should be proclaimed in all of our worship services, and while we often use the New International Version of scripture, a variety of translations are used in worship services.

On Sunday mornings, some members of the church dress more formally, while others dress more casually. We accept everyone in our community as they are, so do not feel discouraged from visiting based on attire. Our worship music includes traditional hymns accompanied most often by organ, piano, and our Adult Choir. Sometimes our worship includes other music from the Men’s Ensemble, handbell choir, children and youth as well as soloists and instrumentalists. We believe that worship is central to all of our lives as believers and we encourage children to attend worship services with their parents to see their family members worshipping together with their family of faith. We strive to make each worship service as child friendly as possible and almost always include a Children’s Sermon as part of our normal Sunday Worship services.

The goal of our Children’s Sermons are to help our children feel welcome while relaying biblical truths in age-appropriate terms. Children are invited to gather at the front of the sanctuary during the last stanza of the hymn for a short sermon from the Director of Children’s Ministry. Following this, children return to their seats. Preschool children ages 2-5 are offered the opportunity to attend Kids Connect and will be invited back at the appropriate time. A staffed nursery is also available throughout the worship service for babies and children under the age of 2.